Administrative Office of the United States Courts

Definition of "Administrative Office of the United States Courts"
  1. An agency that is a part of the judicial branch and is responsible for handling the nonjudicial, administrative tasks of the federal courts, excluding the U.S. Supreme Court. Some of its roles include managing court administrative staff, tracking court-related statistical data, and handling payroll and other funds. This office works alongside the Judicial Conference of the United States in supervising federal probation officers, bankruptcy judges, magistrates, and public defender organizations since its establishment in 1939
How to use "Administrative Office of the United States Courts" in a sentence
  1. The Administrative Office of the United States Courts oversees the operation of the federal courts.
  2. Statistical data regarding court proceedings is collected and managed by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts.
  3. The Administrative Office of the United States Courts works in conjunction with the Judicial Conference of the United States to supervise various entities such as bankruptcy judges and public defender organizations.

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