
Definitions of "register"
  1. An officially recorded list or log typically featuring entries with standard details or items
  2. A system or book for retaining public records such as patents or property titles
  3. A record of suitable or accessible individuals, typically within a specific group or organization
  4. An official diary kept by a corporation that captures the names and locations of those who possess its registered securities
  5. A formal act of recording one's information in a register
  6. An official act of subscribing, particularly in the context of becoming a voter or a student
  7. An act of protecting mail by paying for it to be tracked and safely delivered
  8. The act of inputting one's personal information into a registered list
  9. Officially documenting one's personal information as a prerequisite to vote
How to use "register" in a sentence
  1. Before you can vote in the next election, you must register.
  2. The university requires all new students to register before they can start taking classes.
  3. To ensure it arrives safely, consider register your mail.

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