Legal Terms Starting With "B"
- bear market
- bear market rally
- bear spread
- bearer
- bearer bond
- bearer paper
- bearer security
- before
- belief
- believe
- belligerency
- belligerent
- below
- bench
- bench ruling
- bench trial
- bench warrant
- beneficial
- beneficial interest
- beneficial owner
- beneficial ownership
- beneficial use
- beneficiary
- beneficiary heir
- benefit
- Benefit Corporation
- benefit of counsel
- benefit of discussion
- benefit of division
- benefit of inventory
- benefit of the bargain
- benefits
- bequeath
- bequest
- bequests
- Berne Convention
- berth terms
- best evidence
- best evidence rule
- best interests of the child
- bestiality
- beta (beta coefficient)
- beyond a reasonable doubt
- bias
- bias crime
- bicameral
- bid
- bid bond
- bifurcated trial
- bifurcation
- bigamous
- bigamy
- bilateral
- bilateral contract
- bill
- bill in the nature of a bill of review
- bill in the nature of interpleader
- Bill of Attainder
- bill of complaint
- bill of costs
- bill of credit
- bill of exceptions
- bill of exchange
- bill of interpleader
- bill of lading
- bill of lading port of discharge
- bill of pains and penalties
- bill of particulars
- bill of peace
- bill of review
- Bill of Rights
- bill of sale
- bill to party
- billable hour
- billed weight
- bind
- bind over
- binder
- binding
- biometrics
- Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
- birdnesting
- birth mother
- birth parent
- biweekly mortgage
- black market adoption
- black-letter
- blackacre