Legal Terms Starting With "F"
- frame-up
- framer
- framing
- franchise
- franchise agreement
- franchise tax
- franchisee
- franchiser
- franchisor
- frank
- Franks hearing
- fraternal benefit society benefits
- fratricide
- fraud
- fraud in fact
- fraud in law
- fraud in the factum
- fraud in the inducement
- fraud on the court
- fraud on the market theory
- fraude
- fraudulent
- fraudulent concealment
- fraudulent conversion
- fraudulent conveyance
- fraudulent transfer
- Fraudulent Transfer Act
- Freddie Mac
- free
- free alongside ship
- Free Alongside Ship (FAS)
- free and clear
- free appropriate public education
- free astray
- Free Exercise Clause
- Free In and Out (FIO)
- Free of Particular Average (FPA)
- free on board
- Free Out (FO)
- free port
- free speech
- free time
- free trade zone
- freedom
- freedom of association
- freedom of contract
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
- freedom of religion
- freedom of speech
- freedom of the press
- freedom of the seas
- freehold
- freeholder
- freeze
- freeze out
- freezee
- freezeout
- freight
- freight bill
- freight forwarder
- fresh
- fresh complaint
- fresh complaint rule
- fresh pursuit
- friendly
- friendly suit
- friendly witness
- fringe benefit
- fringe benefits
- frisk
- frivolous
- frolic and detour
- front
- front running
- front spread
- frontage
- fruit
- fruit of the poisonous tree
- frustrate
- frustration
- frustration of purpose
- Frye test
- fugitive
- fugitive from justice
- Fugitive Slave Acts
- fugitive warrant
- Fulbright Act
- full court
- full disclosure
- full faith and credit