Legal Terms Starting With "N"
- nonbinding
- nonbreaching
- noncapital
- noncash
- noncitizen
- nonclaim statute
- noncompetition agreement
- nonconforming
- nonconforming use
- nonconformity
- nonconsensual
- nonconsumable
- noncontestability clause
- noncontiguous
- noncontributory
- noncontrolling
- noncountable resource
- noncriminal
- noncustodial
- noncustodial parent
- nondeadly force
- nondeductible terminable interest rule
- nondelegable
- nondelegation doctrine
- nondischargeable debt
- nondischargeable debts
- nondisclosure
- nondisclosure agreement
- nondiscretionary trust
- nondisparagement clause
- nondiverse
- nonexclusive easement
- nonexempt assets
- nonexempt employee
- nonexempt property
- nonfeasance
- nonforfeiture option
- nonimmigrant
- nonimmigrant visa
- nonintervention will
- nonjoinder
- nonjudicial
- nonjudicial foreclosure
- nonjuridical
- nonjury trial
- nonjusticiable
- nonnegotiable
- nonnegotiable bill of lading
- nonobviousness
- nonparticipating
- nonperfection
- nonperformance
- nonprobate
- nonprobate assets
- nonprobate transfer
- nonprofit corporation
- nonproprietary
- nonpros
- nonprovisional patent application
- nonpublic forum
- nonrecourse loan
- nonrecurring closing costs
- nonrenewal
- nonservice
- nonsolicitation agreement
- nonsuit
- nonsupport
- nontrading partnership
- nontransferable ticket
- nonunion
- nonuse
- North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
- noscitur a sociis
- not guilty
- not guilty by reason of insanity
- notarial
- notarize
- notary
- notary public
- note
- notice
- notice by publication
- Notice of Abandonment
- notice of default
- Notice of Entry of Judgment
- Notice of Opposition to Claim of Exemption
- notice pleading
- Notice to Creditors
- notice to quit