Legal Terms Starting With "S"
- short cause
- short rate
- short refinance
- short sale
- short selling
- short the basis
- short-form merger
- short-swing profit
- short-term capital gain
- shortening time
- show
- show cause
- show cause order
- showing
- showup
- sibling
- sick leave
- sidebar
- sidebar conference
- sideline business
- sight
- sight draft
- sign
- signatory
- signature
- signature crime
- signature guarantee
- signing statement
- silence
- silent
- silent partner
- silent record
- silent witness theory
- similarly situated
- simple
- simple assault
- simple battery
- simple contract
- simple robbery
- simple trust
- simpliciter
- Simplified Employee Pension (SEP)
- Simplified Employee Pension plan
- simulate
- simulation
- Simultaneous Death Act
- sin tax
- sine die
- sine qua non
- single premium
- single publication rule
- single stock future
- single-entry accounting
- single-payment lease
- sit
- sit-down strike
- situs
- skilled care
- skilled nursing care
- skilled nursing facility (SNF)
- skilled nursing facility care
- skip person
- SL/W
- slander
- slander of title
- SLAPP suit
- slayer statute
- slight negligence
- slip law
- slip opinion
- slowdown
- small business
- small business case
- small business corporation
- small claim
- small claims court
- small entity
- small estate
- small tax case
- small traders
- smart money
- smoking gun
- Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
- smuggle
- social contract
- social guest
- social health maintenance organization (SHMO)
- social host
- social insurance
- Social Security