Legal Terms Starting With "P"
- presenting bank
- presentment
- presents
- preserve
- preside
- presidency
- President
- presidential government
- presidential signing statements
- Presiding Judge
- Presiding Judge/Justice
- presume
- presumed abuse
- presumed damages
- presumed maximum value (PMV)
- presumption
- presumption of fact
- presumption of innocence
- presumption of intent
- presumption of law
- presumption of paternity
- presumption of survivorship
- presumptive
- presumptive evidence
- presumptive heir
- presumptive sentence
- pretax
- pretermination hearing
- pretermission
- pretermit
- pretermitted child
- pretermitted heir
- pretext arrest
- pretrial
- pretrial conference
- pretrial order
- prevail
- prevailing party
- preventive custody
- preventive detention
- preventive services
- price
- price basing
- price discovery
- price-fixing
- prima facie
- prima facie case
- prima facie evidence
- primary
- primary beneficiary
- primary boycott
- primary care
- primary care doctor
- primary evidence
- Primary Examiner
- primary insurance coverage
- primary jurisdiction
- primary liability
- primary market
- primary strike
- prime
- Prime Minister
- prime rate
- prime suspect
- primogeniture
- principal
- principal alien
- principal contract
- principal in the first degree
- principal in the second degree
- principal place of business
- Principal Register
- prior
- prior art
- prior consistent statement
- prior inconsistent statement
- prior restraint
- prior(s)
- priority
- priority date
- priority debt
- prison
- prison camp
- prisoner
- prisoner of war
- privacy
- privacy interest
- private
- private annuity
- private attorney general doctrine