Legal Terms Starting With "R"
- riparian
- riparian rights
- ripe
- ripeness doctrine
- risk
- risk of loss
- risk-utility test
- risk/reward ratio
- roadblock
- roadside test
- robbery
- Robinson-Patman Act
- rogatory letters
- roll
- roll call
- roll over
- rollover
- Romanist
- round lot
- round turn
- royalty
- rubric
- rule
- Rule 10b-5
- rule against perpetuities
- Rule in Shelley's case
- rule of completeness
- rule of convenience
- rule of court
- rule of decision
- rule of doubt
- rule of four
- rule of law
- rule of lenity
- rule of necessity
- rule of reason
- rulemaking
- rules committee
- Rules of Court
- ruling
- ruling letter
- run
- runners
- running at large
- running with the land
- Rural Electrification Act