Legal Terms Starting With "E"
- eminent domain
- emissary
- emolument
- emotional distress
- employee
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
- employer
- employer group health plan (GHP)
- employment
- Employment Act
- Employment Authorization Document (EAD)
- employment tax
- empower
- en banc
- en ventre sa mere
- enabling
- enabling clause
- enabling statute
- enact
- enacting clause
- enactment
- enclosure
- encroach
- encroachment
- encumber
- encumbrance
- encumbrancer
- endanger
- endangered species
- Endangered Species Act of 1973
- endangerment
- endorse
- endorse (indorse)
- endorsee
- endorsement
- endorsement (indorsement)
- endorser
- endow
- endowment
- endowment insurance
- enemy combatant
- Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
- enfeoff
- enforce
- enforceability of patent
- enforceable
- enforcement
- enfranchise
- enfranchisement
- English-only rule
- engross
- engrossed bill
- enjoin
- enjoyment
- enroll
- enrolled agent
- enrolled bill
- entail
- enter
- enter a judgment
- enterprise
- enterprise liability
- entire
- entirety
- entitle
- entitlement
- entity
- entrap
- entrapment
- entrust
- entry
- entry of judgment
- enumerated powers
- environmental crime
- environmental impact report
- environmental impact statement
- Environmental law
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- equal
- Equal Credit Opportunity Act
- equal employment opportunity
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- equal opportunity
- equal opportunity employer
- Equal Pay Act
- equal protection
- Equal Protection Clause
- equal protection of the law
- Equal Rights Amendment
- equality