Legal Terms Starting With "L"
- like-kind property
- likelihood of confusion
- Lilly Ledbetter
- Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
- limit (up or down)
- limit only
- limit order
- limitation
- limitation of actions
- limited divorce
- limited equity housing
- limited interdict
- limited interdiction
- limited jurisdiction
- limited liability
- Limited Liability Company
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- limited partnership
- limited partnership rollup transaction
- limited power of appointment
- limited power of attorney
- limited public forum
- limited publication
- limited purpose public figure
- limiting instructions
- line of credit
- line-item veto
- lineal
- lineal consanguinity
- lineal descendant
- lineup
- link
- liquid
- liquid asset
- liquid market
- liquidate
- liquidated
- liquidated claim
- liquidated damages
- liquidating
- liquidating partner
- liquidation
- liquidator
- liquidity
- liquor laws
- lis pendens
- listed not enclosed
- listed property
- listing
- listing error
- literary property
- literary works
- litigant
- litigants
- litigate
- litigation
- litigator
- litigious
- litigious right
- littoral
- littoral right
- livery of seisin
- living trust
- living will
- LL.B.
- LL.M.
- load
- loan
- loan broker
- loan consolidation
- loan for consumption
- loan for use
- loan fraud
- loan origination fees
- loaned servant
- lobby
- lobbyist
- local action
- local educational agency (LEA)
- local law
- local union
- lockdown
- locked limit
- lockout
- lockup
- locus
- locus poenitentiae
- lodestar
- lodger