Legal Terms Starting With "A"
- accommodation party
- accommodation trading
- accomplice
- accord
- accord and satisfaction
- account
- account payable
- account receivable
- account rendered
- account stated
- accountable
- accounting
- accounts payable
- accounts receivable
- accredited investor
- accrete
- accretion
- accrual
- accrual basis
- accrual bond
- accrue
- accumulate
- accumulated earnings tax
- accumulation
- accumulation trust
- accusation
- accusatorial
- accusatory
- accuse
- accused
- accuser
- acknowledge
- acknowledgment
- Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment
- acquaintance rape
- acquet
- acquiesce
- acquire
- acquired citizenship
- acquisition
- acquisition fee
- acquisitive prescription
- acquisitor
- acquit
- acquittal
- acquittee
- act
- act of God
- act of state doctrine
- actio de in rem verso
- action
- action case
- Action Transmittal
- actionable
- active
- active status
- active trust
- actual
- actual agency
- actual authority
- actual cash value
- actual cause
- actual controversy
- actual damages
- actual delivery
- actual eviction
- actual express authority
- actual fraud
- actual implied authority
- actual knowledge
- actual loss
- actual malice
- actual notice
- actual possession
- actual total loss
- actuals
- actuarial
- actuary
- actus reus
- ad damnum
- ad hoc
- ad idem
- ad interim
- ad litem
- ad seriatim
- ad valorem
- add-on
- addendum
- addict