Legal Terms Starting With "P"
- personal financial responsibility counseling
- personal injury
- personal injury recovery
- personal judgment
- personal jurisdiction
- personal knowledge
- personal liability
- personal property
- personal property tax (or ad valorem tax)
- personal recognizance
- personal representative
- personal right
- personal service
- personal services
- personal servitude
- personality
- personalty
- pet trust
- petit juror
- petit jury
- petit jury (or trial jury)
- petition
- petition preparer
- petitioner
- petitory
- petty
- petty larceny
- phantom stock plan
- phishing
- physical custody
- physical evidence
- physical incapacity
- physical presence
- physical taking
- physical therapy
- physician assistant (PA)
- physician-assisted suicide
- physician-patient privilege
- Phytosanitary Inspection Certificate
- picket
- picket line
- picketing
- pickpocket
- piecework
- pier-to-house
- pier-to-pier
- pierce
- pierce the corporate veil
- pilfer
- pilferage
- pillage
- pimp
- pink slip
- pip
- piracy
- pirate
- pit
- place of delivery
- place of receipt
- plagiarism
- plagiarize
- plain error
- plain meaning rule
- plain view
- plain view doctrine
- plainclothes
- plaintiff
- plaintiff in error
- plaintiff's attorney
- plan
- Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS)
- plant closing
- plant patent
- plat
- plea
- plea agreement
- plea bargain
- plea in abatement
- plea in bar
- plea of abatement
- plead
- pleading
- pledge
- pledgee
- plenary
- plot plan