Legal Terms Starting With "S"
- subrogation
- subrogee
- subrogor
- subscribe
- subscribing witness
- subscription
- subsequent
- subsidiary
- substance
- substance abuse treatment
- substandard
- substantial
- substantial capacity test
- substantial compliance
- substantial evidence
- substantial factor
- substantial justice
- substantial performance
- substantial right
- substantive
- substantive consolidation
- substantive crime
- substantive criminal law
- substantive evidence
- substantive law
- substantive right
- substantive unconscionability
- substitute in
- substitute patent application
- substituted basis
- substituted contract
- substituted judgment
- substituted service
- substitution
- substitution of attorney
- substitution of parties
- substitutional gift
- subsurety
- subsuretyship
- subtenancy
- subtenant
- subversion
- succeed
- success billing
- succession
- succession representative
- successive
- successive sentences
- successive tortfeasor
- successor
- successor in interest
- successor trustee
- sudden emergency doctrine
- sue
- sue out
- sue-and-labor clause
- sufferance
- suffering
- sufficiency
- sufficient
- sufficient cause
- suffrage
- suggest
- suggestion
- suggestive
- suggestive mark
- sui generis
- sui juris
- suicide
- suicide clause
- suit
- suitor
- sum certain
- summary
- summary adjudication
- summary court-martial
- summary distribution
- summary judgment
- summary probate
- summary process
- summation
- summon
- summons
- Sunday closing law
- sunset
- sunset law
- sunshine
- Sunshine Laws
- Sup. Ct.
- superintendent