Legal Terms Starting With "T"
- tidelands
- time decay
- time deposit
- time draft
- time immemorial
- time is of the essence
- time note
- time policy
- time served
- time spread
- time value
- time value of money
- time-barred
- time-of-day order
- time, place, or manner restriction
- timely
- timeshare
- tip
- tip income
- tippee
- tipster
- tit.
- title
- title abstract
- title company
- title insurance
- Title IX
- title report
- title search
- Title V of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Title VII
- Title X
- to wit
- to-arrive contract
- toll
- tontine
- too big to fail
- tools of the trade
- Torrens system
- tort
- Tort Claims Act
- tort reform
- tortfeasor
- tortious
- tortious interference
- total breach
- total disability
- total incorporation
- total loss
- total return swap
- Totten trust
- town clerk
- toxic
- toxic mold
- toxic tort
- trade
- trade acceptance
- trade dress
- trade fixture
- trade name
- trade option
- trade secret
- trademark
- Trademark Act of 1946
- trademark application
- Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure
- trademark owner
- trademark registration
- trademark search
- trader
- trading arcade
- trading facility
- trading floor
- trading partnership
- tradition
- traditional adoption
- traffic
- traffic court
- trafficking
- tranche
- transact
- transaction
- transaction taxes
- transactional immunity
- transcript
- transfer
- transfer agent
- transfer in contemplation of death
- Transfer Notice
- transfer of copyright ownership